Thursday, March 12, 2009

i am spring; hear me roar

trouser jeans (Reitmans); sheer floral top (Winners); blue cardigan (Zellers); nude tank top (Fairweather); yellow shoes (Spring); pearl studs (gifted)

I am so full of colour would never know that half my closet is composed of black clothing. And it's making everyone around me happy and giving them springs in their step. Glad I could make the day brighter, one bright shoe at a time.

My beloved yellow shoes are on my feet for another year. I wore OUT the pair I bought last year... I wore them all spring, summer and into the fall and then they were done. Yellow shoes just add an unexpected element to an outfit. Speaking of outfits, my brother was rocking a plaid shirt with a striped vest this morning. He is definitely a fashionista. He's tall and slim so clothes just fall on him so well...not that there's anything wrong with cute and curvy (which is me) - clothes just fall differently on my protruding hips than they do on his non-existent ones.

The sun is shining and it's Thursday and only one more day until the weekend. Tonight I will be heading with a friend to the hall where her wedding reception will be held. I am her decorator so we're getting a feel for the place. It's 2 weeks away! They're getting married in a sugar bush. I'm Greek...we don't have small weddings. Heck, our Sunday lunches are never less than 20 people around a table. This will be a different experience for me for sure. I'm looking forward to it!

In Twilight news, I finished the 2nd book in the series last night and can't wait to get the 3rd! I am tired this week mainly because I'm staying up way too late reading about vampires. Umm, good thing I don't have an over-active imagination. I'd never sleep otherwise.


1 comment:

  1. Yay for bright colors and the hope that spring won't be too far away!
