Is it spelled grey or gray? I like the way 'grey' looks better than 'gray'. Just cleaner. Weird, I know.
One of my favourite sounds in the whole world is hearing laughter. A child's giggle; a huge belly laugh; even a run-out-of-breath-it-hurts-my-chest laugh. At one of my meetings today, the sales manager had a bottom-of-his-gut laugh and every time he would start, I had to bite my lip from laughing too! Everyone else in the room either wasn't paying attention or is used to him or doesn't find it as amusing or as lovely a sound as I do. I couldn't believe no one was laughing along with him! Even now I think about it and I'm giggling at my computer. Definitely puts a smile on my face :)
What's equally as bad is that I laugh at completely inappropriate times. Completely inappropriate. Like during a church service; during a board meeting; even during a wake. I was standing with a friend at a friend's aunt's wake and when our priest blessed the body, a random woman screamed out 'Amen' in the silence and my friend and I had to dig our nails into each other's palms to keep from bursting out in laughter. What made it extra funny is that we don't speak during our Orthodox services so it was a woman deep in prayer showing her blessings and we couldn't deal with it. So bad, I know. It was a "my mother would have smacked me across the back of the head" moment for sure.
Oh yeah - I'm not wearing black pants on Day 3 of my No Black Pants Challenge. Yay me!
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