Tuesday, March 9, 2010


earrings and ring (Banana Republic)

Have you ever heard of the word 'slovenly'? I heard it for the first time yesterday.

In general, it refers to being untidy in appearance. I thought it was a made up word. Ha!

It's been a crazy couple of weeks. I've been helping one of my best friends deal with the loss of her father and the b/f came back from the Olympics!

Today I am showcasing the accessories I was wearing yesterday. I'm on a gold kick, as well, love big rings and Banana Republic (who, in my opinion, does jewellery very well).

The sun has been shining for 5 days now with a temperature of 10 degrees Celsius (sorry US peeps, not good with the conversion) but it's definitely above normal temps and it's amazing!


1 comment:

  1. great to hear from u girl and welcome back! note to self, check out banana republic's jewelry line. thanks! ;-)
