Friday, April 3, 2009

mon obsession du jour

all headbands (Forever 21)

This week I am obsessing about headbands.

There are cute ones to be found anywhere and everywhere! My sister and I scour dollar stores for fun ones all the time. Many bloggers I follow are spectacularly talented at creating their own hair creations. I would glue-gun my fingers together.

I am pretty lucky in that I only really have to wash my hair every 3 days or so...and on that 3rd day it's a ponytail day. If, for some reason, I can't wash it for a 4th day (like at summer camp) the headband comes in super handy!

Today's headbands are:

- pretty and chic (their feather and bow accents make them oh so cute!)

- functional (growing out your bangs? no one needs to know)

- add pizzazz (self-explanatory...who the heck doesn't like pizzazz?!)

- inexpensive (hold out and buy them on sale or make them need to break the bank when there are tons of options out there)

Our hair makes a statement whether we think so or not. Why not accessorize it too?


p.s. and it isn't just a trend for the younguns...keeping the band thin with a bit of a bow for work makes you look chic - save the flowers, feathers and sequins for your down time

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