I have discoverd that wrap-tops are super flattering on me.
I do have to be careful though because of the hefty heavies I carry up top. Ha! It can throw off my body proportions.
It's a long-standing joke between my b/f and I about dinner. He usually cooks and he has yet to see me really make him a meal. I'm a good Greek girl and let me tell ya, I can cook. Problem is, I can cook large quantities. I have to figure out how to tone it down for 2!
Last night I tried my hand at chicken cacciatore. I was actually really nervous to make it for him. In the past, I've made fajitas, egg mcmuffins, etc you know...little things. This was a meal. So...it turned out AMAZING! Seriously. Am definitely gonna float my own boat here because it was delicious.
I can cook! Or atleast I have proven to my love that I can provide meals for him.
The wrap is really nice on you.