Friday, January 29, 2010


big bag (L'Oreal); small bag (Coach)

I am off to Tremblant this weekend...a gorgeous ski resort with a small group of friends.

None of us ski.

I am most impressed with myself on my packing skills for a weekend trip. Everything fit in the one big travel bag. My aunt gave this bag to me when I was in Greece because I came back with more stuff than I originally left with (and had to pay the overlimit fee which was insane!!)

I am looking forward to relaxing with some great friends and hope to post some posh looking aprés-ski outfits...since all we will be doing is aprés-skiing.



  1. Fun!!!! That is such a great travel bag too! The perfect size for a small getaway!

  2. i wish i could pack small and light like you ...

  3. I was the hit of the chalet with my one bag! I do owe it to the travelling I've been doing for work over the past year...a lot of one or two nighters so I have to pack light. Success!

  4. so whats IN the bag? I am going on a ski weekend with my hubby and I have been looking for some cute ski outfits that I can take.. and it looks like your pacing skills are awesome!! please please.. do share.

  5. Hi Totally Inspired...
    I left a comment on one of your posts with some more detail but mainly, I brought exactly the outfits I was going to wear, pretty much wore the same jeans for the weekend and used the rolling technique to get everything in the travel bag.
