Thursday, April 8, 2010


black pants (Reitmans); black dress (Banana Republic); black cardigan (Old Navy); shoes (Payless); gold chains (grandma); whistle chain (stole it from the b/f)

I was super duper feeling this outfit yesterday! I felt chic and comfortable. It could also be because I cleaned out my closet this past weekend. Oh yes. And actually got rid (well, donated) several items of clothing I have been holding onto for several reasons but never really wearing. I am very proud of myself :)

I am very much into layering right now - as you may have read in previous posts. I feel that it provides me with a bit of maturity and professionalism and will help me transition into bigger and better things at work. What's that old saying - dress for the job you want, not the job you have?

In other news, I have 5 followers. Woohoo! Not quite sure what that really means but it's kinda fun to see. So, thanks and welcome! Glad you seem to like what you see/read.



  1. tres jolie tenue ca fait une tres jolie ligne ;O)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. dude, u know why i dont get updates from u? cuz i wasnt a follower! wat the hey?!? i thought i was! im sorry girl ... well, now i am and ill know when u post!

    im lovin this outfit and the necklace is LOVE! ure hair is gorgeous in curls. LOVE IT!

    have a fun weenend doll! xoxo!

  4. I'm a follower, and I've added you to my blog roll! Your necklace is adorable.
